Calendars are produced every year to showcase the diverse range of material held in the University's collections. These are generally produced around a specific theme, e.g. Bygone Edinburgh (2014), Historic Musical Instruments (2012) and Travel (2008) but in some years (e.g. 2010 and 2011) a selection of images illustrating Treasures of the Collections are selected.

All images were created by the Digital Imaging Unit and are copyright the University of Edinburgh.

Images from all calendars, from 2006 onwards will be available in this collection.

IIIF at The University of Edinburgh

The viewable content has been made available using IIIF manifests and the freely-available Universal Viewer (UV). This framework allows us to very easily present images to the user through a detailed set of programmatic instructions, allowing easy sharing of high-resolution images, served, in this case from our LUNA images repository (

More information is available at Please visit to see an example of a IIIF-driven collections site built by the Library Digital Development team.

© University of Edinburgh, 2018.